Choreonoid and HiroNXProvider

HiroNXProvider and HiroNXGUI
It is possible to transmit grasp planning from Choreonoid and to “Start/Stop” HIRO from the HiroNXGUI by running the HiroNXProvider function on HIRO.

Starting Choreonoid

HIRO operates by sending the grasp planning generated by Choreonoid to the HiroNXProvider.

 % cd ~/src/Choreonoid
 % bin/choreonoid extplugin/graspPlugin/GripperManipulation/project/worldexpo.cnoid

worldexpo.cnoid can be read through this operation; HIRO, the table, and parts can be seen within the Choreonoid space.
Several RT components included in Choreonoid are simultaneously invoked.
 % rtls localhost/dinobot.host_cxt/
 HIROController0.rtc GripperManipulation0.rtc GraspConsumer0.rtc

The Consumer RTC, HIROController0.rtc, is used here.

Starting the HiroNXProvider

The HiroNXProvider is an RT component that provides the API for SETUP, CALIBRATION, SERVO ON/OFF, and SHUTDOWN. In addition, it provides the API for directly manipulating the angle of each joint.

 % cd ~/asahi/HiroNXProvider
 % ./

HiroNXProvider0.rtc, located in the localhost/dinobot.host_cxt/ directory, can be used here.
In addition, though the HiroNXProvider is an RTC provider written in Jython, /opt/grx/bin/hrpsyspy is the interpreter that is actually used.

Starting HiroNXGUI

HiroNXGUI is a tool that uses the API provided by the HiroNXProvider to operate HIRO via the GUI. In addition, HIRO can be operated by directly specifying the angle of each joint.

 % cd ~/asahi/HiroNXGUI
 % ./

With this, the GUI is invoked.
HiroNXGUI is a consumer RTC that runs on Python.
HiroNXGUI0.rtc, located in the localhost/dinobot.host_cxt/ directory, can be used here.

Connection of RT components

There are two service ports, known as the HiroNX port and the HIRO Port, between the three RTCs — HIROController0.rtc, HiroNXProvider0.rtc, and HiroNXGUI0.rtc

HIROController0.rtc <-> HiroNXProvider0.rtc
HiroNXGUI0.rtc <-> HiroNXProvider0.rtc

The HiroNX ports and HIRO ports are connected in this combination and activated.

Operation of HiroNXGUI

The operation of HiroNXGUI is similar to that of (Refer to the HiroNX operating procedures).
On activation, the RTC Status field turns green.

Setup procedure for HIRO

1. Setup Robot
Perform the required connections with HIRO.
2. Calibrate Joint L
Perform the required joint adjustments (Switch the main servo “ON”).
3. Servo Hands ON
Switch the servo hand “ON.”
4. Go initial
Switch to the initial posture.

Open hand — closed fist operations can be achieved by using the “Open Hand” and “Close Hand” buttons, respectively.

In the “Joint-operation tab,” it is possible to set the angle of each of the servo motors present in the left and right hands, arms, and the body, by means of a textbox. The posture of HIRO changes with a click of the “GO” button after completing the angle setup of all the servo motors. The angles of all the servo motors are reset to their initial posture values on clicking the “Reset” Button.

Japanese English
胴体 Body
首ヨー Head Yaw
首ピッチ Head Pitch
左肩ヨー Left Shoulder Yaw
右肩ヨー Right Shoulder Yaw
左肩ピッチ Left Shoulder Pitch
右肩ピッチ Right Shoulder Pitch
左肘ピッチ Left Elbow Pitch
右肘ピッチ Right Elbow Pitch
左手首ヨー Left Elbow Yaw
右手首ヨー Right Elbow Yaw
左手首ピッチ Left Wrist Pitch
右手首ピッチ Right Wrist Pitch
左手首ロール Left Wrist Roll
右手首ロール Right Wrist Roll
左ハンド Left Hand
右ハンド Right Hand

Transmission of grasp planning from Choreonoid

After specifying a palette by holding Ctrl and left-clicking, choose the “Grasp” option of the “=Planner=Toolbar" to create grasp planning. The HIRO posture transition will be created on clicking the “Start” option of the “PathPlan=Toolbar.” More data are transmitted to HIRO after confirming through the use of animation that there is no problem with the HIRO posture. Please press the “Move” button on the “=Interface=Toolbar.”

Termination procedure for HIRO

1. Go off Pose
Switch to Standby Pose.
2. Servo Hands OFF
Switch OFF the Hand servos.
3. Servo OFF
Switch OFF the Body servos.
4. Shutdown
Shutdown the HIRO computer.