TaskBase Plugin

1. Basic Information

Plugin Name:TaskBase
Dependent Plugin:Grasp;PRM;AssemblyPlanner

2. Main functions

· Read the Task and Action YAML file and playback the result.
· Modify TaskItems and AcitionItems read into Choreonid from YAML files; for example, change the order and start time of Actions in the target TaskItem, modify the data of target ActionItem by changing the corresponding poseSeq in the Pose Roll Viewer.
· Generate the motion of a robot based on the object movement written in Task/Action YAML file (using the PRM plugin).
· Generate the Relation YAML file and AssemblyGraph YAML file for AssemblyPlanner.

3. How to use

3.1 Playback Task/Action YAML File

3.2 Modification of Task/ActionItem on Choreonoid

  • Setting the start time of ActionItem
- Change the “Start Time” of the property of ActionItem.
  • Changing pose sequence
- If you modify the pose sequence in the Pose Roll Viewer, the change is reflected to corresponding AcitionItem. Insertion of new poses is possible only for the model with a YAML file set with “possibleIkInterpolationLinks” parameter.

3.3 Robot Motion Generation

In accordance with the movement of the object generated by Task/Action YAML files, robot motions are planned with PRM plugin. At current version, opening and closing of hand is not considered.

  1. Select BodyItem of the target robot and click “SetRobot” on the Planner bar.
  2. Select the ActionItem or TaskItem whose action you want to generate, and click “Plan” in the TaskBase bar. A PoseSeqItem of the target Action/Task name will be generated under the robot and object's BodyItem.
  3. The sample project is TaskBase/projects/cnoid/GearBox_robo.cnoid
  4. Select the generated PoseSeqItem under the robot and MotionItem under the object, and click animation button. You can see the generated robot/object motions.
  5. The hand coordinate system of the robot is determined to match the “handFrame” described in the Action YAML file. The “handFrame” should be presented based on the coordinate system of the manipulated object in Action YAML file.
  • The trajectory of the object generated from the ActionItem may differ from the trajectory of the object generated by this planning function. This is because we first plan the trajectory of the robot hand, and then the trajectory of the object is determined to follow the root hand.
  • Because of the specification of the PRM plugin, sampling time of the generated motion is different with the time described in Action/Task YAML file. Therefore, the timing of animation generated by the planning function and display of the GraspPoint will be not matched.