GraspConsumer Operation Procedure



This document describes the operating procedures for “The hand grasp motion planning system” constructed during “The Research and development on robotic intelligence for in-house life support robots” conducted as part of the “Development Project for Intelligent Technologies for Next-Generation Robots.”

Relevant documents

The relevant documents are listed in the table below.

Table 1.1 Relevant documents
No. Document name Remarks
1 Hand grasp motion planning behavioral specification Description of the “hand grasp motion planning” behavioral specification (Functional)
2 Hand grasp motion planning system specification Description of the “hand grasp motion planning” system specification
3 Hand grasp motion planning environment configuration specification Description of the “hand grasp motion planning” module’s environment configuration

Target audience

This document targets developers of robotic systems that use RT Middleware (RTM) and RT Components (RTC) and assumes that they possess a general knowledge of RTM and RTC tools.

OpenRTM-aist Official Website

Software Installation

This module operates on Ubuntu10.04. OpenRTM-aist-1.0.0-RELEASE installation is a prerequisite for the module’s operation. Details on libraries, etc. are specified in the environment configuration specification. This document describes the installation procedure.

Standard operating environment

OpenRTM-aist-1.0.0 RELEASE (C++)

Install the RT middleware required for executing RTC, which is written in C++.

Use the installer script for Ubuntu. Open the C + + 1.0.0 version -RELEASE distribution page: (as of 21st April, 2011) from the “OpenRTM-aist” download page. Download the batch installation script for Ubuntu from the list of Linux packages and run the same.

Installer Program to be installed Batch Installation


Unzip and extract the “CGraspPlanComp.tar” files. Taking the generated “GraspPlan20100623” folder as the current directory, execute the following command.

 % make


Successful operation requires a component for acquiring information on the object's position and delivering it to this component. This module’s execution sequence is described below.

Invoking the module

Taking the extracted “GraspPlan20100623” folder as the current directory, execute the following command.

 % ./GraspPlannerComp

Input/Output Information

Send “grasp planning control orders” to Hand RTC using “GraspPlanningStart”. Acquire grasp motion patterns using “GraspPlanningResult.”

The inputs to “GraspPlanningStart” are the (i) Object ID and (ii) position & attitude measured by the visual sensors.

The output obtained from “GraspPlanningResult” are the hand position & attitude, approach position & attitude, opening and closing angles of the gripper, and presence or absence of a grasp pattern.

 void GraspPlanningStart (in unsigned long ObjId,
                          in DblSequence3 objPos,
                          in DblSequence9 objOri,
                          out unsigned long state);

Table 3-1 “GraspPlanningStart” Input/Ouput specifications
Input/Output Variable type Variable name Comments
in unsigned long ObjId Code number of the object to be grasped
in DblSequence3 objPos Position of the object to be grasped
in DblSequence9 objOri Attitude of the object to be grasped
out unsigned long state Success (0) or Failure (1)
 void GraspPlanningResult (in DblSequence3 GraspPos,
                           in DblSequence9 GraspOri,
                           in DblSequence3 ApproachPos,
                           in DblSequence9 ApproachOri,
                           in double angle,
                           in unsigned long state,
                           out unsigned long isContinue );

Table 3-2 “GraspPlanningResult” Input/Ouput specifications
Input/Output Variable type Variable name Comments
In DblSequence3 GraspPos Grasp Position
In DblSequence9 GraspOri Grasp Attitude
In DblSequence3 ApproachPos Approach Position
In DblSequence9 ApproachOri Approach Attitude
In double angle Opening and Closing Gripper angles
In unsigned long state 1 when grasp pattern exists and 0 when it does not
out unsigned long isContinue Success (0) or Failure (1)